Introduction to Merging Patients

Do you have the same patient entered in your database multiple times? Do you know that you can clean up your database by merging duplicate patients into a single Patient folder? It’s easy! When a merge is performed, one patient will be removed from the database and the other will be retained. The Patient folder for the patient who is retained will include all of the information from the patient that was removed.

The Patient Merge window is separated into two sections: Target and Remove. Target contains the information for the target patient. This is the patient that is staying the database and into whom all of the other patient’s data will be merged. Remove contains the information for the patient who is being removed from the database; all of the information for this patient will be merged into the Patient folder for the Target Patient.

To Merge Patients:

  1. Select More > Housekeeping > Merge > Patient. The Patient Merge window opens.

Note: If Housekeeping is disabled, the user logged onto PharmaClik Rx does not have Housekeeping Access.

  1. In Target section, enter all or part of the patient’s name in the Patient field. This is the patient that you want to keep.
  2. Select the Search button.
  3. From the search results returned, highlight the Target Patient and select the OK button. The screen will return to the Patient Merge window. The patient’s name, address and telephone number will be shown under Target.
  4. In the Remove section, enter all or part of the patient’s name in the Patient field. This is the patient that you want to remove from the database.
  5. Select the Search button.
  6. From the search results returned, highlight the Remove Patient and select the OK button.
  7. The screen will return to the Patient Merge window. The patient’s name, address and telephone number will be shown under Remove.
  8. Select the OK button.
  9. A message will ask if you are ready to perform the merge. Press Yes to continue.

Note: Depending on the size of the patient files, the merge can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to complete.

  1. Once the merge is complete, the following message will appear: The Patient Merge is complete. Do you wish to merge other patients? Press Yes to return to the Patient Merge window, or press No close the Patient Merge window.